Thanks again to everyone for taking part in the competition. The models were of a high standard and the choice was difficult.
Ultimately, a lot depended on the points for the quality of WIP reports.
The models were assessed according to the following criteria:
• Aesthetics of the model (elements fitment, paint coating, decals quality etc.)
• Additional detail-up
• Conformity of the model with the original car
• The quality of the report on the building of the model and the final gallery
The results:
1st - Piotr Loranc
2nd - Jakub Litewka
3rd - JP Spa
Awards are given to:
Mihály Dobrai
Zyniu Zyniowski
Kacper Jacykowski
Steve Dionne
Rules of the " model competition 2021/2022"
The subject of the competition is to build a car model in 1:24 or 1:20 scale.
The model should be a miniature as close as possible to the original - passenger car, rally car, racing car, F1 car, truck etc.
The competition runs from 01/12/2021 to 01/06/2022.
You can join the competition at any time.
The competition takes place on the Facebook group - Group at:
The participant may submit only 1 model to the competition.
The condition for participation and final classification is the completion of the model on time. The condition for admission to the competition is to start building a new model. To prove that the model is new, the first photo in the album created by the participant should be a photo of the contents of the box with a piece of paper containing the phrase provided by the organizer: SCO CONTEST
The participant must be a member of the Group and create an album in which will be adding photos and reporting on the build of the model (work in progress report).
The album should be named as follows: CONTEST - Car Model Name, example CONTEST - DeLorean Back to the Future
During the competition, the participant is obliged to complete the album with photos and descriptions (in any language) reporting the progress of work (at least 6 times) and to make the last update with photos of the finished model. Work on the chassis, interior and body of the car must be shown.
Evaluation criterias
• Aesthetics of the model (elements fitment, paint coating, decals quality etc.) - max. 40 points
• Additional detail-up - max. 30 points
• Conformity of the model with the original car - max. 15 points
• The quality of the report on the building of the model and the final gallery - max. 15 points
Winner selection
The winner will be selected and announced within two weeks of the end of the competition (01/06/2022). The participant with the most points is the winner. There are 100 points in total for 4 criterias. The evaluation will be made by the competition jury.
The first 3 places will be awarded the prizes listed below and additionally 5 honorable mention authors will be awarded one-time 30% discount code to
1st place - Tamiya Toyota Celica GT-Four '93 Monte Carlo Rally model kit, a set of 10 products, one-time 30% discount code to, contest winner certificate.
2nd place - Tamiya Nissan Skyline GT-R model kit, a set of 5 products, one-time 30% discount code to, 2nd place certificate.
3rd place - Tamiya Nissan Silvia K'S model kit, a set of 3 products, one-time 30% discount code to, 3rd place certificate.
In case of high interest in the competition, the prize pool may increase. The winners will be announced on and on social media.
By entering the competition, the participant agrees to share the materials published by him on websites and social profiles belonging to The organizer of the competition reserves the right to amend the above Rules.
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